I know I have talked mostly about Salem lately. But she demands so much of my attention that she is basically my main focus.
When a child falls down and cries, his mama's arms are comforting. When Salem falls and I try to hold her, she freaks out. I can't comfort my baby. I have cried and cried over this. It breaks my heart. She can be in pain and I don't know how to show her I am here for her.
I know it's not my fault, but it makes me feel like the world's worst parent. I miss when she was little and I could hold her close. When Chris and I want to cuddle her, we wait until she is asleep and sneak in her room and hold her in her bed. We even moved her onto a twin size mattress from her toddler bed just because it was hard for us to fit in her toddler bed- selfish, I know. Of all the struggles we have faced with Salem, this is the hardest emotionally for me.
I know this feeling all too well =( It could just be a sensory that makes her uncomfortable. I'm not much of a hugger person myself-lol! but I so understand wanting to show affection to your child. I don't get a "normal" hug from JuJu but she has started giving us kisses and 'high fives' when we ask her first. She seems to do better when she is the one initiating or being asked for a hug/kiss. Her version of a hug is leaning on us-lol